4 Social Media Engagement Tips

At the Social Media for Nonprofits conference I heard an insightful presentation on how to be proactive from Cheryl Black, a Social Media Marketing Specialist for Convio.

cheryl black convio presentation

Proactivity on social media often consists of scheduling content to be delivered at a certain day and time. But Black introduced the concept of being “proactively reactive,” which consists of 4 actions:

1. Comment

An obvious but critical online action. Commenting implies that you have invested your attention in someone else’s content.

2. Seek out Chats

Online conversations related to your areas of interest or topic are already happening. Rather than starting a new conversation it’s effective to join current ones.

3. Answer Questions

Similar to #2, but different in that you are providing a direct response to a felt need. LinkedIn Answers surprises me with the amount of unanswered questions each time I check it.

4. Say Thanks

We all feel overwhelmed with the amount of online messages. Instead of talking more about yourself why not just send a message of gratitude? These communications often return the most value for both the sender and the receiver.

Click here to view Black’s entire presentation on Slideshare. 

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