Five Traits That Are Common to the Disruptive Innovators…

…questioning, experimenting, observing, associating and networking. –source



more on associating, one of my favorite traits of Jobs and something I hope to continually sharpen:

“the ability to make idea-producing connections by linking concepts from different disciplines — intellectual mash-ups”

From my experience here are some ways to apply these traits to see powerful disruptive innovation in your ministry:

Small Ministry or Non-Profit

Experiment like crazy! Once your organization grows it becomes increasingly harder to experiment without a significant investment in resources that may inhibit growth.

Observe like crazy! What naturally happens? What takes the most effort? What events/activities thrive? etc…

Medium Ministry or Non-Profit

Networking will provide the social infrastructure for your organization to grow to the next level. My experience is that medium-sized ministries experience a “stuck” phase until they harness outside resources to grow to the next level.

Large Ministry or Non-Profit

Questioning the status-quo and experimenting and testing alternative models and strategies can keep a large organization from becoming a frozen institution.

Have you taken any steps to foster innovation in your organization? I’d love to hear what’s working and what’s not!

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