How to Build a Team That Rocks

Tony Morgan created this awesome graphic on a recent post to illustrate two different models for team building and task completion:

Tony Morgan-Task vs People Illustration

A couple reflections:

Metrics related to the END GOAL are extremely difficult to generate. It takes time, focus, intentionality, and many other draining action verbs. Yet metrics tied to the end goal are absolutely critical for doing things well as a team.

The last box in each column I had a hard time translating to full time ministry, since most compensation is not financial. I’ve noticed that praise (public and private) is the most widely used form of compensation in ministry, but I’ve also noticed that those who live out of the right hand column often times do not value external praise because they are driven by internal values, convictions, passions.

My favorite was “Define the end goal and current objectives and give them the freedom to make it happen.” What was yours?

4 thoughts on “How to Build a Team That Rocks”

  1. Thanks for sharing this, Brian.

    My favorite was “Create space to let them dream and implement new ideas.” Probably because that’s what’d like for myself; and actually had the privilege of being given that these past few years.

    However, this point is only possible with “the right people”, otherwise it has the potential of becoming freewheeling and uncontrollable.

    I echo your thought about ‘compensation’ in ministry.

    I think ‘praise’ is most widely used in ministry mostly because it’s the ‘easiest’ idea we can come up with (not that it’s easy to do), and we find it hard to think of anything else. Another reason could be we don’t realize that there are other options.

    Reflecting on my own experience, here are some things that could count as ‘compensation’ (apart from praise and $$):

    1) Having freedom to dream and implement new ideas
    2) Given the platform to utilize my strengths/talents/skills
    3) My leader show me real care and concern
    4) My leader supports me (and stand by me) both publicly and in private.

    1. yes my favorite was also the greatest thing i value in working.

      agree w your assessment of praise–and i like the four you suggested.

      a couple that came to my mind for gen-y:
      1–write them a recommendation on LinkedIN
      2–give them a day to dream/work on a project that is on their heart

      along w your four these are a solid base for nurturing young leaders.

  2. Enjoyed reading your comments Brian. I think the accountability piece along with giving your team members the freedom to act is huge. Set the boundaries and let them run has been successful for me. Thanks!

    1. thanks chris! yeah you cannot have one w out the other and be successful.

      here’s a great quote that relates:

      “A motto often heard from supporters of microformats is “Pave the cowpaths,” which means, essentially,

      look where the paths are already being formed by behavior and then formalize them, rather than creating some sort of idealized path structure that ignores history and tradition and human nature and geometry and ergonomics and common sense.

      This principle is sometimes applied on campuses and sometimes a rear-guard “keep of the grass” action is fought instead to no avail.”

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