Does Your Content Match Your Audience?

Online ministry communications excel when the content matches the audience’s demographics.

facebook insights for a church

This is the demographic breakdown of a church that I help with their online communications. Two significant data points:

  • 65% female
  • 39% of the total fans are females between the age 25-44.

If this page is to grow organically through likes and comments from existing fans then the posts we share MUST target females between the ages of 25-44. Often times ministries post content often on Facebook but the page still stagnates and the engagement is low to non-existent. A quick look into Facebook Insights, in the demographics section will not only help focus your content but will result in more engagement.

Have you looked at your demographics on your Facebook page? What are some things you are doing to grow the engagement and focus the content?

2 thoughts on “Does Your Content Match Your Audience?”

  1. Quick question: Could it be effective to put up content for what you WANT your audience to be?…so what if you want more males interacting and gathering more male enagement etc? Kind of like how Keller talks about preach as if non christians are there, even if they aren’t… does that principle apply to a fan page?

    1. yes Paul that is true–if you are not posting anything, or very sporadic and generic updates, then identifying and targeting specific groups that you want to draw is great.

      for the church in this example, i would say 2/3 of the updates focus on females btw the ages of 25-44, and the lat 1/3 spent of boosting the other demographics that are most strategic.

      the key phrase in this post was “organic growth”–since only 1/500 page updates makes it to the top news section, and 90% of people who like a page never return, it’s crucial to get some momentum going with your page’s most active audience.

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