What Does Your Ministry Logo Communicate in Centimeters?

Since the newsfeed became the dominant format for online consumption your ministry logo is often reduced to centimeters (especially on mobile). Have you thought about what might need to change to format and optimize your ministry for extremely small and non-traditional icon sizes?

The Facebook NewsFeed icon: On my current desktop it measures 50x50px–only centimeters tall and wide. Here are some ministries icons show up on my facebook newsfeed:
If people are scanning their newsfeeds quickly and rarely going to your actual facebook page where they would see the larger icon…

ministry facebook newsfeed icons

Here are some questions to think through about your existing ministry icon:

  • What does the icon communicate about your ministry?
  • How easily would a new person be able to identify your ministry based on the small icon?
  • If most people that like your page see only 1 out of every 500 updates you post, would you add or remove any text or graphic from your current image to make it stand out?

With so much competition for people’s attention today on facebook it’s worth spending time thinking about this small 50×50 piece of visual real-estate to improve your ministry’s engagement on facebook.

To edit your existing icon:

  • Click on “Edit Page” once you are on your ministry facebook page
  • Then click on “Profile Picture” on the left-hand side of your screen
  • Select “Edit Thumbnail” directly underneath your existing picture.
  • Drag the thumbnail box until it captures enough text and graphics of your larger icon to make it meaningful on the newsfeed.

From personal browsing on the newsfeed ministry icons that include both some text and a recognizable graphic are most helpful to me; unless you have the equivalent of the golden arches or an apple with a bite of it you probably need some text to help people make the connection!

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