2 thoughts on “Charlene Li Quotes from Willow Creek Webinar”

  1. Love this. Thanks for taking the time to share it.
    Especially – “Twitter is not a technology but a conversation, and it’s happening with or without you”

    Also: “If your voice is absent (from social media), then (it communicates to those who are) that this is not a relationship worth having.”
    I’d add: if your EAR is absent it communicates that it’s not a relationship worth having.
    Irks me when big organizational leaders (including ours) use Twitter merely as a megaphone (shown by how they follow maybe 15 people but have 2,000 followers).

    They don’t get that Twitter is a conversation and far more useful as a listening tool than a speaking tool. Someone who really gets this in our org is Judy Douglass. VERY interactive and obviously a great Twitter listener.

    1. agreed.

      especially w Twitter I think it’s overdue for “big” leaders to jump on–i’ve noticed that ones that due tend to feel overwhelmed because once they join they “see” how much they are missing and how many conversations are happening without them.

      i love listening in on twitter–i have a list of non-profit leaders that i rarely @reply to, but merely check in and see what they are talking about. it’s a fantastic way to easily stay up to date w latest stories and trends.

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